We have new Liveforce feature releases each month. Nothing stays still for long at Liveforce as we constantly update and improve our software to deliver you the best staff scheduling software.
We have a new batch of feature releases and updates to share with you this month:
New Liveforce Feature Releases: Save Table Views
It’s now possible to save different views of your table data and easily switch between them. This is super helpful if you have one view to export and share and another for internal checks. This update is available on the Workforce and Status pages. Check out the short YouTube tutorial in the link below:
Feature Update: Board Access
Access to a Board can be restricted to selected Managers and Staff Admins.
You can manage Board Access from the Board Settings panel.
By default, a Board is accessible to all Admins.
Your Voice is important – Vote for features!
We will be introducing a feature voting system in the next few weeks. News on this will follow soon.
Did you miss it?
Last month we released a bunch of updates and features including the new Clock In/Clock Out feature. Check out what happened in October here: https://liveforce.co/new-feature-updates-october23/