Product Roadmap

Keep up-to-date with what the product team have planned. If you’d like to submit feedback or discuss ideas, please email [email protected].

In Progress

  • Multi-Day Job improvements: Add long MDJ with easy (like Google Calendar Event Editor)
  • Multi-language Crew App: Add German support


  • Multi-Day Job improvements: Edit long MDJ with easy (like Google Calendar Event Editor) 


  • Multi-language Crew App
  • Multi-Day Job improvements
  • Crew Profile as Job Requirement
  • Add expiry dates to Skill and/or Requirements


17 Jul 2024

  • Set default Crew hourly and/or fixed fees: the Fee is used to override Role Fees on a Board Page
  • Expenses: allow PDF uploading
  • Download expenses report: use Crew name and Role type in a file names
  • Add Decline Applicant button to Unavailable applicants on a Board page

2 Jul 2024

  • Crew Unavailable periods support for multiple timezones
  • Single Crew Timezone: Display all Job times in Crew selected timezone in Crew App and email
  • Admin permissions: more granular per-Admin control for data access on Workforce page and for Payment Reports

20 Jun 2024

  • Job Links sent to Crew via SMS or Email will open in the installed Liveforce Crew App and not a browser
  • Add YouTube or Vimeo videos into the text editor, eg. Role description or Profile application content
  • Customisable Holiday Pay, including the ability to disable or amend % (UK companies only)
  • Submit Expenses settings – editable submit period (28 days by default) and ability to close expenses submission when Job added to Report
  • Possible to add custom Profiles and Edit Profile names
  • Per-Profile Crew Invoicing

16 Apr 2024

  • Set multiple timezones across each Board
  • Bulk Crew status change on the Workforce page
  • Pre-select Profile when inviting Crew to join the workforce

27 Mar 2024

  • 2FA for Admin App and Crew App
  • Only show Roles to Crew on the Job Board that match Role Type and Requirements
  • Close Applications for one, or all, Profiles

17 Jan 2024

  • Data validation masks
  • Board and Job internal notes

8 Jan 2024

  • Delete and edit Crew feedback

Nov 2023

Save Table Views

Save table views to quickly switch between most popular data.

Board Access

Control which Admins have access to Boards.

Staff Admin Permissions

Admins with ‘Staff’ permissions can have their access to the Workforce page and the ability to create new Boards restricted.

Sep 2023

Approval page updates

Introduction of new tables to the Approvals page to allow for improved searching and filtering.

Legal stuff migration

Legal stuff data will be migrated to the new Profiles allowing Admins to add different information for each Profile.

Clock in/out updates (full release)

Feature updates to our recently released clock in/out feature based on early client feedback.

Jun 2023

Workforce page updates

All custom profile data will be able to be added to the Workforce page table and exports. New date range filtering will be introduced.

New Payment Reports

New payment reports will be introduced on a per-profile basis. All custom profile data will be able to be added to a payment report. The existing Payment Reports (including the New Starter Report) will be sunset over the coming few months.

Status page updates

All custom profile data will be able to be added to the Status page table and exports. New date range filtering will be introduced.

Promote Roles via email

Send Role promotions using email, as well as existing Push notifications and SMS.

Apr 2023

Email notification controls

Decide which emails you’d like the system to send automatically to your Crew.

Regional units of measurement

Admin App and Crew App will use relevant units of measurement depending on your country’s settings.

Board secondary contacts - Cancellation email notifications

Set Admins that would like to receive a cancellation and new application emails on a per Board basis.

Mar 2023

Profile section ordering and conditional logic

We’ve made a bunch of improvements to the Profile page, giving you further control over the data you want to collect. The latest update allows you to:

  • Move sections into any order
  • Move data types within sections into any order
  • Sections that have been amended are highlighted in yellow
  • Add conditional logic to fields to improve data capture

Job Board API

Use Job data for various integrations. Learn more about our APIs here.

Workforce page 'Alert' column

The Workforce page now shows which Crew have an alert on their profile. Click on VIEW>CUSTOMISE VIEW to add this column to your table.

Removal of INACTIVE Crew status

The INACTIVE status caused confusion. This status has now been removed, and all INACTIVE Crew are shown as ACTIVE. It is possible to filter down your Workforce to when they last worked to manage database cleansing more effectively.

Add/Show Number of Applicants on Job Card

Admins can now control the visibility of applicant numbers when the Role is full. By default, this number is hidden when full but can now be set to stay visible. This is managed from the Board Settings pop-in.