Forecasting Is The Most Powerful Tool That Will Put You In Control Of Your Business
Proactively forecasting your sales will give you a better understanding of how our company is likely to perform against its sales targets and which months you need to focus your attention.
Use this Free Template to start planning ahead and get a clear overview now! Provided as both a Google Sheet (recommended) and Excel.
This may seem obvious advice but it´s amazing how many few do this!
5 Reasons To Start Now
1. Peace of mind – gives you a clear status of affairs
2. Know in advance which months you need to focus your sales effort
3. Helps motivate your team to take action
4. Includes charts and diagrams to visualise the status
5. Super simple to use
Easy To Get Started...
1. Configure Template
We’ve made the template flexible so you can easily configure things like the start month to match your company’s financial year, sales target per month and even the project statuses. The template includes instructions on how to do this.
2. Update Forecast
Add projects and deals you know about into the template. Make sure you add the expected turnover in the month you will confirm the deal.
3. Review Status
The template includes a number of pre-programmed graphs and charts to visually show you useful forecast metrics, e.g. confirmed sales against monthly targets, or a breakdown of deal statuses.